UP a little river
Where salmon used to play,
Not twenty miles distant
A little village lay -
Ruth's native village,
Where Wayne used to go
To see his mother's mother
Many years ago.
Here in a churchyard
With pines along the wall
And a wooden church steeple
Almost too tall,
Here in September,
On a bright clear day
Among the graves of sailors,
They laid Ruth away.In this same churchyard,
Sitting on the stones,
He had first said he loved her
In young shaken tones.
That had been September,
But not this bright light.
Between the pine-needles
The stars shone white,
Such a little maiden,
Such a young man
"I love you." - And she answered:
"I don't see how you can."
They had been so happy
They had not cared at all
That the place was a churchyard
With pines along the wall.