CANDLE light beams, flickers and blazes
On panelled pine walls, fashioned of old;
Pale pink roses in golden vases,
Hothouse grapes in a bowl of gold;
Crystal goblets, and plenty of them,
Flashing their points of rainbow light.
Tall, grave men servants bending above them,
Everyone talking with all his might: ­

"Why didn't Archie go with Jessie?"
"My dear, she didn't want him, of course."
"Aren't things getting a trifle messy?"
"There's nothing messy about divorce."
"Algy's a sort of weak Othello."
"Poor creature. Jessie is quite a bird."
"I hear Nan's doing her room in yellow." .
"Her room? I think it's her hair you heard."

"Tom never could resist a title."
"Well, I'm rather a snob myself-"
"The woman is large and rich and vital
And does not mean to be laid on the shelf."
"Nonsense, she's older than Tom's own mother,
And ought to be laid on a couple of shelves."
While Lee and Wayne just talked to each other,
Talked to each other about themselves.



